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Fair and Accessible Credit for Small Businesses: A Guidebook for Financial Institutions

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Uplinq Financial Technologies, announces the publication of “Fair and Accessible Credit for Small Businesses: A Guidebook for Financial Institutions,” a white paper that blueprints how banks and credit unions can leverage AI technology and alternative data to expand lending opportunities for small businesses.

The white paper, commissioned by Uplinq, draws on expert insights from senior executives at Visa, the SME Finance Forum (part of The World Bank group), EY, Scotiabank and more to pinpoint the key barriers preventing small business owners, particularly in underserved communities, from accessing fair and affordable loans. The paper also reveals the macro and microeconomic impact of a lack of access to credit and offers practical steps to bridge this gap through technological and cultural shifts.

“Uplinq was founded to democratize access to working capital for small businesses through the use of non-traditional and alternative data sets. The findings in this paper reveal that our mission is very much needed,” said Patrick Reily, co-founder of Uplinq Financial Technologies.

For more details, download the full report here.